Comet Watching

• Neowise is growing dimmer, so if you get the chance, take the opportunity to see one of the solar system’s great shows, a comet close enough to be seen, tail and all, with the naked eye. I took this last night at Sepiessa.

2020-08-24T12:32:48-05:00July 22nd, 2020|Likes, Musings|

Words from “Donald Trump is Our National Catastrophe”

Though I often disagree with Brett Stephens, I certainly am in accord with the main thrust of his most recent opinion piece in the NYT – Donald Trump IS indeed our national catastrophe, a man who generally acts with malice toward all and charity for none: Donald Trump is Our National Catastrophe. These words from the column also resonated with me: “What does one learn when reading great political speeches and writings? That well-chosen words are the way by which past deeds acquire meaning and future deeds acquire purpose.” Among his many other failings, Trump can’t ever seem to find well-chosen words.

2020-06-07T15:12:43-05:00June 7th, 2020|Likes|

Long Point

A restful day at Long Point.   I’ve always found sitting on the beach, listening to and watching the ocean, very meditative.

2020-06-15T17:00:37-05:00April 12th, 2020|Likes|
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