No, health care providers are most decidedly *not* inflating COVID-19 numbers

Adding to his seemingly unending stream of self-serving lies and distortions, the current president this weekend claimed that since doctors and hospitals “get more money” if they report a death as COVID-related, they are inflating COVID-related numbers, and he continued to claim that the pandemic “is going away.” The recent spikes in reported cases and ensuing deaths (as predicted by the same scientists the president has disparaged) make the latter claim ridiculous on its face. In a statement issued Sunday, the American College of Emergency Physicians  called the president’s assertions “reckless and false.” The American College of Physicians, which represents internal medicine doctors, denounced the president’s allegations as “a reprehensible attack on physicians’ ethics and professionalism.” The Council of Medical Specialty Societies said Trump’s claims “promulgate misinformation that hinders our nation’s efforts to get the Covid-19 pandemic under control.”  The number of excess deaths in the US has to be attributed to something, and it’s not traffic deaths.

2020-10-31T15:27:28-05:00October 27th, 2020|Home, Musings|


William McRaven, from a 10/19 op-ed for The Wall Street Journal:

We need a president who understands the importance of American leadership, at home and abroad. We need a leader of integrity whose decency and sense of respect reflects the values we expect from our president. We need a president for all Americans, not just half of America.

This week I went to the polls in Texas. Truth be told, I am a pro-life, pro-Second Amendment, small-government, strong-defense and a national-anthem-standing conservative. But, I also believe that black lives matter, that the Dreamers deserve a path to citizenship, that diversity and inclusion are essential to our national success, that education is the great equalizer, that climate change is real and that the First Amendment is the cornerstone of our democracy. Most important, I believe that America must lead in the world with courage, conviction and a sense of honor and humility.

If we remain indifferent to our role in the world, if we retreat from our obligation to our citizens and our allies and if we fail to choose the right leader, then we will pay the highest price for our neglect and shortsightedness.

I voted for Joe Biden.”

McRaven was a Navy admiral and commander of the U.S. Special Operations Command from 2011-14. 

2020-10-22T12:11:54-05:00October 22nd, 2020|Home, Musings|

A Reasoned Response to the Unreasonable “Great Barrington Declaration”

This is a thoughtful essay in the NYT by John Barry, writing on the numerous flaws implicit in the arguments advocating population immunity as the solution (e.g. the “Great Barrington Declaration”) to the pandemic:  “Herd Immunity? Or ‘Mass Murder?’

We don’t need to add more than a million additional deaths to the toll in order to get through this (not to mention the destructive effects on overburdened health care workers and systems, long term ill effects on survivors, and inequitable effects on less fortunate societies whose populations do not have access to advanced health care measures).

2020-10-19T09:49:38-05:00October 19th, 2020|Home, Musings|

The New Poll Taxes

• NY Times opinion columnist Jamelle Bouie talks about long lines at the polls in low-income areas acting as the equivalent of poll taxes – one of the many ways voter suppression continues to manifest itself. From Bouie’s lates newsletter: “Voters in affluent precincts don’t face long lines. White voters don’t tend to face long lines. Long lines for voting are most common in areas where Black Americans and Hispanics make up a majority of voters, and they are generated by concrete policy decisions: cuts to voting resources in the form of fewer polling stations, poll workers and voting machines.

The culprits, as has often been the case in decisions that limit access to the ballot, are Republican lawmakers and officials who have made the reduction of voting resources a deliberate strategy for shrinking the size of the electorate. In Georgia, for example, the Republican former secretary of state (and current governor) Brian Kemp closed 214 polling stations between 2012 and 2018, often in rural, high-poverty areas with significant Black populations. In Texas, as well, Republicans have fought to reduce options for early voting, contributing to long waits this past week.

When you see long lines for voting, Americans devoting entire days to exercising their right to suffrage, you should remember that these lines are a choice meant to burden our ability to choose our leaders. You should be angry.”

And then there’s Paul Krugman’s How the G.O.P. Can Still Wreck America column.  Sigh. Please make sure you vote.

2020-10-16T14:38:04-05:00October 16th, 2020|HomeRecommended|

Court packing? Lets talk about it…

While republicans try to push a distracting and distorting hypothetical about supreme court packing, it’s worth looking at the real facts. Heather Cox Richardson mentions this in her October 11 Letters from an American: “What makes this so especially bizarre is that it is Republicans, not Democrats, who have made the courts the centerpiece of their agenda and have packed them with judges who adhere to an extremist ideology. Since the Nixon administration began in 1969, Democrats have appointed just 4 Supreme Court justices, while Republicans have appointed 15.

2020-10-12T08:41:30-05:00October 12th, 2020|Home, Musings|

Correcting the very bad presidential advice…

Released by the CDC on October 6, more evidence that mitigation measures DO work:

From the report: “The number of COVID-19 cases in Arizona stabilized and then decreased after sustained implementation and enforcement of statewide and locally enhanced mitigation measures, beginning approximately 2 weeks after implementation and enforcement of mask mandates and enhanced sanitations practices began on June 17; further decreases were observed during July 13–August 7, after statewide limitations and closures of certain services and businesses.

What are the implications for public health practice?

Widespread implementation and enforcement of sustained community mitigation measures, including mask wearing, informed by state and local officials’ continual data monitoring and collaboration can help prevent transmission of SARS-CoV-2 and decrease the numbers of COVID-19 cases.”

2020-10-10T15:06:55-05:00October 6th, 2020|Home, Musings|

A man with no empathy…

The US is averaging nearly 1,000 Covid-19 deaths per day. That equals:
– 250 Benghazis per day
– A 9-11 every three days
– An Omaha Beach every two days
– A Pearl Harbor every 2 ½ days
And yet: “I wanted to always play it down,” the president said in an interview with Bob Woodward, the audio recording of which was made public in September. “I still like playing it down, because I don’t want to create a panic.”

I wonder when, if ever, we’ll hear any explanation for or apology because he has needlessly (his own best interest excepted) put secret service personnel, first responders, White House staffers and even his own supporters at risk of illness by campaigning and fund raising (without masks or social distancing), perfectly exemplified by his attending a fund raiser in New Jersey after his known exposure last Thursday, and then taking a joy ride for political theater the day before his release. His irrational behavior was then compounded further by his maskless reentry into the White House after discharge.  Public health advocates are driven to despair…

2020-10-06T15:34:23-05:00October 5th, 2020|Home, Musings|
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